

KNM(7164) is the one of top 30 mover these few weeks. i choose this stock to monitor due to it is the top volume of trade. we can look through the chart above, it price is cross over the 21-day Exponential Moving Average(EMA); Relative Strength Indicator(RSI) is stay at 58.9%; MACD is cross over and rising up; Parabolic is support the candlestick to step the higher level of price.

Fundamental of KNM Group is good. KNM is a manufacturer of Oil and Gas services and Equipment. KNM was invested in Verwater company which is related to storage tanks and terminals design, construction and maintanance. In detailed, KNM announced that its 100% subsidiary which is KNM International(KNMI) has invested and subscribed for 100 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each for a 50% equity stake in Verwater for only RM100. Verwater recently signed a contract with Lenstar Investment Ltd for the job. So, KNM will be allocated more jobs by Verwater. Recently, Global economy is on recovery track which will boost demand for Oil & Gas and fuel demand for its process equipment when new projects commence. Its closing price of 18th September 2009(Friday) was RM0.79. Its target price is RM1.00.


Hot Genting Singapore in Malaysia Market

Recently, Genting Sp(G13) which listed on SGX is very popular in Asia due to G13 has announced 5 rgiht issues entitle for 1 share at subscription price of SGD 0.80 which would like to raise its capital of SGD1.63billion. So G13 intends to use approximately 60 percent of proceeds for future acquisitions or investment opportunities in casino-related sector while other 40 percent for working capital and repayment of bank borrowings.

The right issues will trade ex-right from 18th September 2009(today). The majority shareholder Genting Berhad, which owns 54 percent of G13 will subscribe to its right issues in full. It was try to redeem the confidence of investors. Historically, after ex-date of right issues, it market price will be adjusted to lower share price.

Futhermore, G13 try to push up it price over SGD 1.00 in order to make itself more attractive to investors. Genting Bhd will lend management support and enable G13 to tap into its over 30years of experience in developing, operating and marketing one of the region's largest casinos.

Resort World Sentosa (RWS) and Marina Sands will enjoy an interrupted duopolistic for at least 10 years. Marina sands is a large competitor for RWS since both resorts will be opening at round the same time. However, RWS will have the support of the Singapore government as it move toward its ambition of becoming the top tourist destination in Asia. So Singapore increasing low-cost carrier presence in the market and enchancing their infrastructure in place such as public transport system. But, some risk may bear that slower than expected recovery in global economic market, this could dampen consumer discretionary spending and result that in poor tourist arrivals in Singapore.









“即使是在极端恶劣的环境里,人们也会拥有一种最后的自由,那就是选择自己的态度的自由。”control your anger before it controls you













1. 努力倾听对方。安静地倾听对方的讲话,至少你可以发现对方的变化,无论是在思想还是性格方面。即使听到令人激怒的话语,也要尽量保持平静的举止。

2. 反省自己。要知道是什么让对方发怒。

3. 不要对对方的想法和感觉妄加判断。如果你真的不能理解对方的感受,至少你不能说你怎么会那样想,你不应该那样想

4. 让争吵暂停。告诉对方,直到对方的态度或者言语变得可接受,才能继续交谈。

5. 一吵即停。如果彼此深知会吵得天昏地暗时,最好在出现苗头时,就能控制自己,等到心平静气时再谈不迟。



Emotional Intelligence



EQ 的重要性表現在生活的各個層面:它決定了個人主觀上認為生活是否順心,也會影響個人與他人(如家人、朋友、配偶、上司、同事、客戶)之間的關係,甚至會影響學業及工作表現。試想:一個不能處理好自己情緒的人,必定很容易受情緒所左右,表現出衝動的行為,因而破壞人際關係;如果與身邊的人不能相處融洽,不論在家庭、學校及工作環境中都存在不滿的情緒,覺得大家都對不起他、認為一切都是別人的錯,或者陷入深深的自責中,形成惡性循環,當然活得不快樂。相反地,若能敏銳地察覺自己及他人的情緒,坦誠面對自己的負面感受,同理對方的感受,不任意批評,並且將生活中的困境視為合理的挑戰,有堅定的信念去完成艱鉅的任務,對人對事做出適切的反應,那麼就容易與他人保持良好的關係,能夠得到他人的幫助,這樣一來,許多事情都能迎刃而解。以工作為例,相信很多人都曾經覺得工作是否順利圓滿,往往不是由能力決定,而是你能不能打開心扉傾聽同事或上司的不同意見,能不能將個人的好惡、利益與工作區分開來,將人際衝突的阻力化為助力,才是成敗的關鍵。








1. 我们要懂得互为谦让。懂得谦让,友好地相处。
2. 而因人而异。不同类型的人对同一件事的反应可能不同。同样一句话,性格敏感的人会因此而勃然大怒,而有的却能泰然处之。
3. 有时候暂时回避是个好方法。如果矛盾双方僵持对峙,情绪正激烈之时,不妨暂时采取回避政策,待我们情绪平静后,再来解决问题。
4. 期望要适度。渴望把事情做好,是每一个人的愿望。但当你的期望值太高,非要求自己做到完美无缺时,就可能陷入担心、畏缩的情绪困境中。要你尽了最大的努力,即使达不到要求,也不应苛求自己。这样,你才能保持乐观自信的情绪。
5. 助人为乐。助人是快乐之源。当我们给别人带来欢乐时,自己的心情也会非常舒畅,从而忘却了烦恼。因此,乐于助人,不但能获得珍贵的友谊,还能让自己的心情更好。
6. 偶而屈服。俗话说:“能屈能伸大丈夫。”做大事的人为人处事都会从大处着眼,而不在小处过分计较。同伴交往也是这样,应求大同而存小异。
7. 宽容大度对人不斤斤计较,不要打击报复,当你学会宽容时,爱发脾气的毛病也就随着那些不愉快的情绪自行消失了。给人机会。多交朋友,少结怨家,心境自然会变得平静
8. 承认自我勇于承认自己爱发脾气,还可向他人求助,使自己从今以后克服这一毛病。当受到不公正待遇时,任何人心中都会怒火万丈,但是无论遇到什么事,都应该心平气和,冷静地、不抱成见地让对方明白他的错误之处,而不应该迅速地做出不合理的回击,从而剥夺了对方承认错误的机会。



Securitization is a financial transaction in which underlying assets are pooled and repackaging of cash flow producing those assets into securities then sold to investors with the assets as their backing. Investors can purchase these securities, either through a private offering or on the open market. Nowadays, many of financing companies that raise their cash by issuing securities that are backed by specified assets with either a fixed interest rate or a floating rate. All assets can be securitized so long as they are associated with cash flow. These securitized assets have been formed using various types of collateral, including mortgages, auto loans, leases, and installment contracts on personal property. The most general securitized product is the mortgage-backed security (MBS) which is a type of asset-backed security that is secured by a collection of mortgages.
A bankruptcy-remote special purpose vehicle (SPV) who wholly-owned by the lender and serves as conduit of cash flow. Their normally jobs are to facilitate a securitization and to issue securities to investors. Their functions are to reduce the certain risk such as bankruptcy risk and obtain lower interest rates from potential investors
An entity that underwrites and funds loans that are sold to the SPV for inclusion in the securitization. Lenders are compensated by cash for the purchase of the loan and by fees. Lenders can be banks or non-banks. Sometime, the lender might contract with mortgage brokers.
Mortgage Broker
Acts as a facilitator between a borrower and the lender. The mortgage broker receives fee income upon the loan's closing.
The entity who responsible for collecting loan payments from borrowers and for remitting these payments to the issuer for distribution to the investors. The servicer is normally compensated with fees based on the volume of loans serviced. The servicer is generally is responsible for handling delinquent loans and foreclosures
The purchasers of the securities issued by a SPV. Investors provide funding for the loans and assume varying degrees of credit risk, based on the terms of the securities they purchase.
Rating Agency
Assigns initial ratings to the various securities issued by the issuer and update these ratings based on subsequent performance and perceived risk.
A third party appointed to represent the investors' interests in a securitization. The trustee ensures that the securitization operates as set forth in the securitization documents, which may include determinations about the servicer's compliance with established servicing criteria.
Credit Enhancement Provider
Securitization transactions may include credit enhancement which designed to decrease the credit risk of the structure. This enhancement may include the over-collateralization, third party guarantor, and cash funding and otherwise.
Administers the issuance of the securities to investors. Underwriter will consult on how to structure the ABS and MBS based on perception of investor demand and help determine whether to use their sales network to offer the securities to public or to place them privately.
Securitization involves the sale of the loan by the lender to an issuer who then sells securities to investors. The investors are buying "bonds" that entitle them to a share of the cash paid by the borrowers on their mortgages. Once the lender has sold the mortgage to the issuer, the lender no longer has the power to restructure the loan for its borrower. This is because of "bankruptcy remote," meaning that if the lender goes into bankruptcy, the assets of the issuer will not be distributed to the creditors of the lender. Furthermore, it protects the investor from any "corporate" risk of the entity selling the cash flow stream and allows the securitization structure to achieve a higher credit rating than that of the lender. The responsibility of a servicer is collects the mortgage payments, distributes them to the issuer for payment to investors. The servicer is follows the terms of documents of securitization and specify how it operates. One of the securitization documents is the Pooling and Servicing Agreement (PSA) which is a contract that defines how loans will be combined in a securitization, the administration and servicing of the loans, representations and warranties, and permissible loss lessening strategies that the servicer can perform in event of loan default such as takes action to recover cash for the investors if the borrower cannot pay.


PEST analysis

A PEST analysis is an analysis of the external macro-environment that affects all firms. P.E.S.T is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors of the external macro-environment. PEST analysis is a simple, useful and widely-used tool that helps us to understand the "big picture" of our environment factors. Such external factors usually are beyond the firm’s control and sometimes present themselves as threats. However, changes in the external environment also create new opportunities. As such, it is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations.

Advantages of PEST analysis:

  1. First, by making effective use of PEST Analysis, you ensure that what you are doing is aligned positively with the powerful forces of change that are affecting our world. By taking advantage of change, you are much more likely to be successful than if your activities oppose it;
  2. Helps you avoid taking action that is doomed to failure from the outset, for reasons beyond your control; and
  3. PEST is useful when you start operating in a new country or region. Use of PEST helps you break free of unconscious assumptions, and helps you quickly adapt to the realities of the new environment.

Political Factors
The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending power of consumers and other businesses.

  • Political stability
  • Risk of military invasion
  • Legal Framework for conduct enforcement
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Trade regulations & tariffs
  • Favored trading partners
  • Anti-trust laws
  • Pricing regulations
  • Taxation – tax rates and incentives
  • Wage legislation – minimum wage and overtime
  • Work week
  • Mandatory employee benefits
  • Industrial safety regulations
  • Product labeling requirements

Economic Factors
Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential customers and the firm’s cost of capital. Marketers need to consider the state of a trading economy in the short and long-terms. This is especially true when planning for international marketing.

  • Type of economic system in countries of operation
  • Government intervention in the free market
  • Comparative advantage of host country
  • Exchange rates & stability of host country currency
  • Efficiency of financial markets
  • Infrastructure quality
  • Skill level of workforce
  • Labor costs
  • Business cycle stage (e.g. prosperity, recession, recovery)
  • Economic growth rate
  • Discretionary income
  • Unemployment rate
  • Inflation rate
  • Interest rate

Social Factors
Social factors affect customer needs and the size of potential markets.

  • Demographics
  • Class structure
  • Education
  • Culture (gender roles, etc)
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Attitudes (health, environmental consciousness, etc)
  • Leisure interests

Technological Factors
Technology is vital for competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. Technological factors can lower barriers to entry, reduce minimum efficient production levels, and influence outsourcing decisions.

  • Recent technological developments
  • Technology’s impact on product offering
  • Impact on value chain structure
  • Impact on cost structure
  • Rate of technological diffusion
  • Research and Development activity

To use this analysis, follow this three stage process:

  1. Brainstorm the relevant factors that apply to you;
  2. Identify the information that applies to these factors; and
  3. Draw conclusions from this information.

The number of macro-environmental factors is virtually unlimited. In practice, the firm must prioritize and monitor those factors that influence its industry. Even so, it may be difficult to forecast future trends with an acceptable level of accuracy. In this regard, the firm may turn to scenario planning techniques to deal with high levels of uncertainty in important macro-environmental variables.


The reason of difficulties encountered by SMEs in securing bank loans

Mirco-credit financing can help spur the growth of small and medium enterprise. The SMEs mirco-credit is usually defined as a business with total loans of less than RM25000.SMEs is a medium-size business which is determined on the total sales or revenue generated in a years. It plays an important role to stimulate the economic growth of country to become more competitive and attractiveness in the world economy. However, this type of enterprises often faces the problem of the insufficient supply of micro-credit to conduct their business. It is because the banks perceive mirco-credit as an activity with high risk and low return activity. Fortunately, our government had put in the efforts to calls for more loans to be available in order to support the SMEs in our country.

The reason for difficulty in securing bank loans is the banks often require a guarantor or securities. To prevent the loan becomes bad debts, banks needs guarantor or securities to settle the amount loan. However, assets of small and medium enterprise is limit and few if compare to large enterprise. If small and medium enterprise no guarantor to guarantee them, they must have enough asset become security to apply loan. In case the enterprise is initially stated business, they do not have enough assets to apply loan. Then, they dint has opportunities to expand the business. In addition, small and medium enterprise is cant issue share to public likes public company. They can’t collect their funds from issue share to public. Then, they have limitation of capital. Loan is very important to them to expand their business.

Besides that, another reason is small and medium enterprise should prepare a thorough, complete and perfect business plan. The business plan include how you plan to repay the loan if it’s granted and objective of apply the loan. The banks do so because the banks wants prevent the loan to illegal. In addition, they want confirm small and medium enterprise has capable to repay the loan. It also want make sure whether the small and medium enterprise got potential to expand their business or not. In results, if the business plan is not prefect or uninspired, small and medium enterprise will difficult to apply the loan.

On the other hands, banks might be increase the interest rate of loan in future time period. This is because banks needs prevent the risk of economics’ country going bad and cover back the lost. However, banks just can increase the interest rate when the loan agreement allowed. [Penwira Habib Malaysia Bhd v Lim Hong Tatt (1989)]. Thus, the small and medium enterprise can’t expect the time value to settle the loan and total amount of loan needs to pay when maturity date. Then, small and medium enterprise must think carefully when apply the loans.

In addition, the restriction of approve loan is more difficult compare to large company.
Banks can see large company enterprise performance and information by market share and annual report provide by them. Banks can recall the loan when large company facing liquidity or freeze problem at the moment. However, small and medium enterprise does not provide such as information in public. The banks Is hard to measure the performance and no enough information to small and enterprise. For secure, the restriction of approve loan to small and medium enterprise is tightly and strictly compare to large company.

Besides that, past performance of small and medium enterprise also become a one of difficult in securing loan. Since lack of Information Company, past performance also needs take in account to banks decides to approve the loan. If the past performance of small and medium enterprise is worst, the banks are no confidence to approve the loan to them. It is to prevent the enterprise going worse again until cant facing the repayment the loan. Banks mostly request 3 years of financial statements to allow them to compare and decide the performance of enterprise. On the contrary, if the past performance of enterprise excellence, the opportunities to approve the loan is high.

On the other hands, prospect of the future for the objective of business also is one of reason for difficulty securing bank loan. Banks will decided approve the loan whether the main business of small and medium enterprise is popular and appreciate or not. Unpopular and unappreciated business is risky to bank to approve the loan. It is because banks cant expected whether the business that they carry will become famous in future. Thus, it will become difficult for creative small and medium enterprise to apply loan conduct new business.